Tuesday, October 23, 2007

70 Days 10/23/07

I realized that since there are 23 built-in holidays, keeping the days numbered in my titles might get weird, so I'm going with dates now.

Lunch: 260
Home: --
Total: 260

I'll edit tonight or tomorrow, but since I'm not busy after work, I should be able to crank out a bit more once I get a nap in (I'm freaking exhausted today).

Edit: I went to bed at 8:30 last night.


Portia Da Costa said...

Hi Matt

Hope you get a good writing day today! I've been doing great the last two or three days, but have slowed down today... due to life stuff.

I do think the challenge is helping me... how about you?

Matt S said...

Yeah, the challenge is definitely helping. When I see everyone checking in with higher word counts than I have, it motivates me to push harder and see if I can't write just a little more...

But you know how life stuff can be.