Friday, October 20, 2006

The Discipline of Writing Fiction

The most important thing to understand about creative writing is that it requires effort on the part of the writer.

Yes, that's right - effort. In my personal experience, I encounter an increasing number of people who shy away from this notion. Writing multiple drafts, incorporating symbolism, hell, even thinking prior to sitting down with a pen or word-processor and "just writing" are repugnant ideas to some aspiring writers. They claim to struggle with writing, but when the idea of effort is put forth, they say, "I just don't work that way."

And they don't work that way. They don't even work. They have just enough innate ability that they don't feel like they need to do anything to develop it. That is wrong and it is arrogant. Writers are not somehow exempt from dedication to their craft. Athletes don't prep for marathons by sitting on their asses, musicians don't play good shows if they let their instruments sit in the attic. Why should writing be any different?

Challenge: Come up with an idea. Write it down. Keep it.


Krista Heiser said...

You what I find more challenging than the work involved in writing? Finding the time. Carving a few hours out of the day where it's okay to focus on fiction instead of the dishes, laundry, work, school, and family. That is by far my biggest challenge.

Krista Heiser said...

Okay...I wish I could edit that because I meant to say "You know what I find more..."

Matt S said...

I can totally relate to that. I always feel like I'm slacking off in those situations.

There is a difference between people who don't have time and people who don't have dedication. The latter think of revision as "the part where you fix the spelling," while the former continue to think about the story even after the first draft is finished.

I guess the bottom line is that I didn't mean to accuse busy people of being lazy. I completely understand that!

Anonymous said...

This is Rob (pillar)

I completely agree, even if someone has talent in writing, they cant just think they can do a best seller without alot of work on it.