Sunday, October 28, 2007

70 Days, 10/27-10/28

No writing -- apartment flooded. Working on that. Staying at mom and dad's tonight. Blah. Hope we can break our lease.


Anonymous said...

I was cruising through the comments of my fellow Sven sweaters and noticed your post. You had the best reason for not writing! Sorry about the water in your apartment. Here's hoping things go better for you this week. Go Sven! My job here is done. :-)

Keziah Fenton said...

Just think of it as research. You can always make the landlord a character, say the victim if you're writing a murder mystery, or the hapless driver whose car is smashed into by the villain in the obligatory car chase if you're writing espionage/suspense.

Good luck with Sven. It's a challenge that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

You got "nuthin'," huh? Well, I had to report DRECK today. I may have you beat. As Portia de Costa said over at my blog this morning - Hang in there!

The water issue is a real bummer. Hope you get sorted out soon.