Tuesday, November 06, 2007

70 Days, 11/06/07

Lunch: 212
Home: 729
Total: 941

My wife is making me write when I get home tonight, so I'll get more done. Most importantly, I managed to wrap up a scene that was driving me nuts and sorely tempting me to quit. I'm really excited about where the story is going, but this was one of those necessary downtimes that wasn't terribly interesting to write. Hopefully it is more interesting to the reader than it is to me. I always have trouble with the parts that explain the mechanics of the world, because I already know how stuff works and it seems redundant as I'm writing it, but I know the reader will probably appreciate a little more technical information so it doesn't seem like I'm just inventing magic and backstory as I go. I don't mean to imply that there is no improvisation involved, but I spent a lot of time developing the world and I think the reader should be confident that they'll be safe if they step into it.


Alison Kent said...

I had to tell you, I used to dictate my writing while driving to work ALL the time! I also carried a mini tape recorder to the gym when I walked laps at lunch and ended up writing a full book that way one time. I don't do it as much now, but I probably should get back to it. It always worked wonders for me!

Matt S said...

Awesome! Another dictater ;)

I'm always amazed at how easy it is to forget good ideas. I don't know about you, but I always tend to think, "Oh, this is gold! There's no way I'll forget it!" An hour later, I'm punching myself for forgetting...