Monday, June 23, 2008

A mess of descriptions

The desk itself was wobbly, which enhanced the aura of disarray. It wasn't just the half-empty box of allergy meds or the assorted papers that had piled up over the course of weeks. The pens were sticking out at different angles, and some were in upside-down. He had two pairs of glasses -- the one that gave him headaches, and the one that took them away -- one of which was balanced precariously on the edge of the desk.


Speaking of headaches, I've got a killer one.


Krista Heiser said...

You know if these details are in any way important, it's not quite the mess it may appear. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Someone told me that chewing an aspirin (or two) is the quickest way to get rid of a headache.

Anonymous said...

So, does that mean you are wearing the headache glasses?

Matt S said...

Yarg on the headaches... I'm not sure if I can blame them on glasses or not today, though. I had a rough night Sunday, and I may or may not have a caffeine problem :)

I may have to pick up some aspirin, though.

Those details are actually important -- they remind me that I need to keep my desk clean :D

Anonymous said...

The only problem I have with caffeine is when I run out of coffee...